Automated Reimbursement Process for Lost & Damaged Items

Automated Reimbursement Process for Lost & Damaged Items

This article outlines the step-by-step procedures for the automated reimbursement system for your items that are lost or damaged in noon's warehouses or logistics network. The document aims to provide clear instructions and guidelines to ensure an efficient and satisfactory process for sellers.


1. Monthly Auto Reimbursement Process:

1.1 Types of Reimbursements.

- Warehouse Damaged reconciliation

  • Noon will clean up damaged inventory every month and move it to liquidation.
  • Compensation will be provided to sellers once the damaged inventory is fully moved to liquidation.
  • The damaged inventories can be referred by filtering with damaged inventory type in the inventory dashboard.

- Warehouse Lost/Found

  • Sellers will be reimbursed if their inventory is lost by noon within the warehouse.
  • In cases where the lost inventory is found after reimbursement, there will be a reimbursement reversal/ adjustment.
  • Compensation for lost/found units will be provided monthly, with a three-months buffer period for locating lost inventory. Exp: Any item lost in month one will only be reimbursed on the fourth month.

- Lost RTV reconciliation

  • Compensation will be provided to sellers for the inventory that was shipped as RTV but lost during transportation.
  • Compensation will be processed on a monthly basis.
  • The dispute against lost RTVs won’t be allowed as these will be reconciled and paid monthly.

1.2 Schedule

This process covers all the net lost and damaged inventories post-30th Jun’22.

  • If eligible, the first reimbursement will happen in Aug’23 for the period of 1st Jul’22 to 30th Apr’23 for WH lost/found and till 31st Jul’23 for WH damages, to be called Phase 4 reconciliation process. 
  • Post the above one-time settlement, auto reimbursements will be conducted on a monthly basis, starting from July onwards.
  • The process will be initiated by the second week of every month.

2.Price Determination of the Reimbursed Stocks

  • The price for stock reconciliation compensation will be determined by noon.
  • Compensation aims to provide a fair value for the lost or damaged inventory.

3. Reimbursement Visibility.

3.1 Statement in Seller Lab

  • Sellers can access information related to stock reconciliation through the statement in Seller Lab.
  • Stock reconciliation will be reflected under the fee group type “ Stock Reconciliation Payment” in the statement. 
  • The different types of fees under this fee group are: “Lost/Found inventory fee", “Damaged inventory fee”, “Lost RTV fee”, “Recon Adjustment fee", “Forced dispute fee adjustment".
  • Sellers can double-click on the fee to download and export a report containing the barcode and amount details. However, adjustment fees won’t have export options.
Types of fees


Lost/Found inventory feeReimbursement of inventory cost against any inventory that was lost at noon premises. The cost of any inventory that was found later will get adjusted against the fees paid earlier on account of lost inventory.
Damaged inventory feeReimbursement payment against any inventory that got damaged at noon premises
Lost RTV feeReimbursement payment for the RTVs lost while getting transported back to the seller
Recon Adjustment fee

Payment adjustment made against either or all of the below scenarios

  • Adjustments made to ensure zero receivables from you for the reconciliation phase 4
  • Adjustments made to ensure no excess deduction than what was cumulatively compensated in previous monthly reimbursements
  • Adjustments made against any cumulative positive adjustments of the previous months.
Forced dispute fee adjustmentPayment adjustment made against dispute payout already done via forced dispute process in the past. 


3.2 Recon Report.

  • Sellers can download the recon report by entering the statement number from the Recon Dispute tab or from the “Statement & Invoices” page in seller lab.
  • The recon report provides comprehensive details related to stock reconciliation and can assist sellers in reviewing the compensation process.

4. Dispute Resolution Mechanism

4.1 Dispute Initiation

  • If sellers are not satisfied with the compensation amount, they can raise a dispute.
  • Disputes may include concerns about the offered price or issues related to the quantity of inventory.
  • In case they are not happy with the price compensated, they can raise a dispute through the Seller Lab.
  • Sellers should send an email to to initiate the dispute against the settled inventory quantity.

4.2 Dispute Creation Process for Compensated Price:

Go to Recon Dispute section from the Support & Disputes menu in the Seller Lab.

Download the reconciliation report by entering the Statement Number through the Download Recon Report button.

You can get the statement number in the Payment and Fee> Statement and Invoices > Payments tab. You can use this statement number to download the Recon Report.

To create a dispute, click on Create Dispute button.

Enter the statement number and select the Dispute Type as Stock Reconciliation. All barcodes along with qty and price which are paid through the statement number will be shown.

1.Seller will only be allowed to create a dispute within 30 days of statement
generation time.
2.Seller will not be allowed to create a dispute twice for the same barcode,
reconciliation type (damaged, lost/found, lost RTV) for a specific recon month
from one statement.

Select the barcode you would like to dispute and enter the expected price. Now click on Complete Dispute.

You will see the Dispute summary with the selected barcodes and the expected amount. You should add comments and upload documents such as purchase invoices to support your claim. These comments and documents will be reviewed by noon to validate and take a decision on your dispute. Click on Create Dispute to confirm.

The dispute will be created successfully with a dispute reference number.

4.3 Managing and tracking dispute

  • You can manage the created disputes via the Stock Reconciliation Dispute dashboard. 
  • The dashboard shows the Dispute Ref number, Statement Number, and the Status. For each barcode disputed, sellers can click on "+" icon to see the details. Details include P-barcode, Recon Month, Disputed Unit Amount, Expected Unit Amount, and Final Approved Unit Amount.

  • Dispute will have the following status:
    • Pending: Dispute is yet to be processed by noon.
    • In Progress: Dispute is being processed by noon.
    • Completed: Dispute is fully processed by noon.
  • You can filter the dispute statuses using the drop-down menu.

  • For each barcode disputed, there will be a decision made by noon. There will be the following decisions:
    • In Review: The dispute is being reviewed by noon. 
    • Approved: Either the expected amount or a different amount is approved by noon.
    • Rejected: The dispute is rejected. 

  • You can filter the disputed barcode with decisions using the drop-down menu.

  • You can click on Details to see the details about the decision.

4.4 Dispute Resolution Process

  • Noon's team will review each dispute and evaluate all relevant information and evidence provided by the seller.
  • The team will work towards a satisfactory resolution, considering fairness and the best interest of all parties involved.
  • The resolution process aims to address and resolve disputes in a timely manner.

That’s it!


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