For more information about what is noon store click here
Examples of stores at noon are:
Currently all stores support the following widget types:
1. Banner Module
This is a rectangular strip on the website that can have as many images as you want per row.
e.g: this is a banner module with 3 banners per row:
The below example shows a single banner per row
2. Banner Module Strip
A banner module strip is similar to a banner module. The only difference is that it goes end to end on the page and no white border will be seen.
As shown on the above image the orange banner is a banner module while the lower one is a banner strip.
3. Product Carousel: A product carousel is a listing of products that you can scroll horizontally.
4. Banner Carousel: A banner carousel is a listing of banners that you can scroll vertically.
5. Text Links: These can be used when you want to add a redirect button on your page. As shown in the screenshot below
For more information about the widgets click here
You are free to design your store the way you want, we recommend the following specs.
Design 1:
Design 2:
Design 3:
Design 4: