Determining Your Prices - Global Min & Max

Determining Your Prices - Global Min & Max

Determining competitive product prices is key to maximizing your sales. On the other hand, making mistakes while allocating prices to your products on Seller Lab can have a big impact on your revenue. We're only human, and one can forget or add an extra zero at the end of a number. Imagine a PlayStation priced at 140 AED instead of 1400 AED by mistake. For sure this would look like an amazing deal to our customers, and they will most certainly place a lot of orders. You on the other hand, could lose a lot, or cancel the orders all together, which will negatively impact our customers' shopping experience.

At noon we have a system in place to help limit such undesired scenarios. The price of each product that you list on noon will have minimum and maximum thresholds based on its historical sales data, to help you avoid mistakes while pricing your products:

Two ways of setting price thresholds on Noon:

  • global min/max - this price range is set by noon for all SKUs, based on the historical sales data of that specific product so that sellers avoid under/overprice the product. If this price range is breached by a seller, the SKU will be deactivated, and will no longer be visible on the website.
  • partner sku min/max - this is an optional price range which is set by the seller using Seller Lab. It ensures that the sellers' price is guard-railed against its own threshold. If this price range is breached, the price will snap back to the closest min or max and the sku remains online.

Click here to find out how to set up your partner SKU min/max.

- You can download your catalog and identify all min/max ranges set against a sku
- Since partner_sku_min/max breaches keeps the product online, make sure they are
set appropriately to avoid selling products for incorrect prices

Exploring the Impact of Price Min/Max on Product Pricing and Visibility:

The following various examples illustrate the dynamics of price min/max, and how it affects your pricing
and the visibility of your products:
 seller uploaded priceglobal minglobal maxpartner sku minpartner sku maxlive priceis live































not live








not live


  • for #1, the price uploaded is 150, and it is within global price range and partner’s price range, hence the uploaded price of 150 is live and will reflect on the website

  • for #2, the price uploaded is 30, which is within global price range, however it is breaching partner’s price_min. In this case, the price will snap back to partner_sku_price_min as it is not violating global price range and will be live with the partner_sku_price_min set by partner, which is 40

  • for #3, the price uploaded is 180, which is within global price range, however it is breaching partner’s price_max. In this case, the price will snap back to partner_sku_price_max as it is not violating global price range and will be live with the partner_sku_price_max set by partner, which is 150

  • for #4, the price uploaded is 10, which is not within global price range and is breaching global_min, hence the product will be offline. In this case, the partner_sku_min/max do not play a role

  • for #5, the price uploaded is 210, which is not within global price range and is breaching global_max, hence the product will be offline. In this case, the partner_sku_min/max do not play a role

That’s it!


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