Edit Your Store Information

Edit Your Store Information

You have the flexibility to update your noon store details through your noon account. These details include:
  • Store Display Name
  • Store Phone Number
  • Email Address

Making these changes is a straightforward process. Just follow these simple steps:

- Login to Your Noon Account: Access your noon account by logging in here.

- Access Noon Partners: Once logged in, locate the 'noon partners' button at the top left corner of the homepage, as shown in the screenshot below:

- Choose Your Store: Identify and select the specific store for which you want to make changes as shown in the screenshot below: 

- Navigate through Partner Platform: After selecting your store, you will be redirected to the Partner Platform page. Click on the 'Edit store details' option, as shown below:

- Edit Your Store Details: Upon selecting 'Edit store details,' you will gain access to view your current store information. Click on the 'Edit' button to initiate changes.

- Make the necessary adjustments to the details and then click 'Save Changes' to confirm the updates you have made.

By following these steps, you will successfully update your store's information in our database. It's that simple!

Note: Account managers are generally assigned only to large accounts. If you need to identify your account manager, please reach out to Seller Support. 

That’s it!


Got questions?

Reach out to seller@noon.com


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