How do I manage my stock and prices?

How do I manage my stock and prices?

This guide is designed to assist Noon sellers in managing their stock and pricing effectively through the Seller Lab's Catalog app. It provides a step-by-step approach to updating product prices and stock levels, either individually or in bulk, to ensure your products remain competitive and available on the Noon marketplace.

Managing Product Prices

Individual Price Management

Prices can be adjusted directly on the Product Details page within Seller Lab, allowing for immediate updates to your product listings on Noon. Click on Partner Catalog then click on the PSKU to be able to update the price. 

Creating Promotions

To create a promotion:

  1. Set the original and new sale prices in the Catalog section.

  2. Choose the promotion's duration and submit your changes, which will be reflected on Noon's website instantly.

  3. Refresh the page if the new promotion price isn't visible immediately.

Bulk Price Updates

You can easily update your product prices in bulk in just a few simple steps. 

  1. In Catalog, click Add Export to download your offers table. 

  2. Select Price as a main type, and Price Update as a sub-type.

  3. Choose the items starts Live or Not Live 

  4. Choose your marketplace as noon

  5. Click Request Export

  6. Next, update your desired prices on the template you downloaded.

  7. Import it back into the Seller Lab for processing.

The following fields represent the price information that’s visible to customers on the noon website: Current Price, Current Sale Price, Current Sale Start and Current Sale End

You can add your new prices in the fields labelled as:

  • Price 

  • Sale Price 

  • Sale_Start

  • Sale_End

Tip: Sale start and end dates should be formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD 

Once the file is filled, just upload the sheet back by following these simple steps: 

  • Click on Catalog , then click on Imports.

  •  Select Price as a main type, and Price Update as a sub-type.

  • Click on Start Import button, and then upload the file.

Request Status:

-Once submitted, your file will appear as Queued and your price changes will appear within 24 hours.

Tip: If needed, you can follow up on an import by sharing the import reference code with noon seller support. Once the file has been successfully imported, the status will change to Processed.

Note: Price updates greater than 30% will be subject to review by noon and may be rejected. The purpose of setting a price change  limit is to minimize pricing errors.

Extra Documents Requirement: 

For health & beauty products, a proof of purchase or an authorization letter is necessary for the products to be listed live on Noon.

Managing Stock

Individual Stock Updates

To update stock quantities for a single item:

  1. In the stock section of your product page within Seller Lab, select "Add Warehouse" and choose the appropriate warehouse.

  2. Enter the stock quantity and save changes.

  3. Refresh the page if the update isn't immediately visible.

Bulk Stock Management

For bulk stock updates:

  1. Open Catalog, then click Export to download your offer table

  2. Then, click Add Export 

  3. Select Stock as a main type, and FBP Stock Update as a sub-type.

  4. Choose your Warehouse

  5. Click Request Export

  6. Add your new stock quantities and processing time in the columns: stock_gross, and processing_time. (follow below format when updating processing time value:  same_day, 1_day, 2_days, 3_days, 4_days)

  7. Re-import the file to Seller Lab.

Tip: You can monitor your FBN stock by downloading the FBN Stock Report. Remember, you can't make any changes on this report as your FBN stock is managed by noon. 

To update the stock for the first time or for a new SKU, you'll need to add a warehouse. After that, you can adjust the stock either by editing it directly on the catalog page for individual SKUs or by exporting the file, updating the stock column in bulk, and then importing it back.

Allocating Stock to Specific Warehouses

Specify your warehouse using either the noon_warehouse_code or partner_warehouse_code and update the stock_gross_value and processing_time as required.

Note: incase you have accidentally marked an order as out of stock and the order got canceled, unfortunately you cant do anything here and cancelled order cannot be reversed. you should be aware that cancellation/retention penalty will be applied as well.

Note: If you've updated your stock to 0 but still received orders, promptly contact Seller Support to explain the situation and seek guidance. You may need to cancel the orders, which could result in penalties. Additionally, review your inventory management practices to ensure accurate stock levels are reflected in Seller Lab.
Note: If you receive an order for an item that is out of stock, you have to reject the order and not offer the customer any alternative.

That’s it! 


Got more questions? 

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