How to upload my logo and banner to my seller profile

How to upload my logo and banner to my seller profile

Allow customers to easily find and recognize your seller profile on noon by taking one or more of the following steps to brand it:
  • Uploading your seller logo
  • Uploading your seller banner

This article demonstrates the steps to add your seller logo and banner, and the content guidelines to successfully brand your seller profile.

1. What is the type of pictures that I can upload?

  • Use images that best convey your brand identity.
  • Upload well-cropped high resolution images.
  • Pictures should be text free (except for the brand name or the brand slogan).
  • Pictures shouldn't include any promotions details, or any other type of information.
Always ensure having the relevant copyright or trademark rights of the
images that you use.

2. What are the picture dimensions?

  • Logo: Minimum 100 x 100 px (1:1 Aspect Ratio)
  • Banner: Minimum 1440 x 240 px (6:1 Aspect Ratio)

While uploading the pictures, the content on the left and right edges may be cropped in smaller windows or devices.

3. How can I upload my logo or banner?

- Click on Account Health and Performance and then click on Reputation Management

- Under Seller Profile, click the image uploader

 - Agree to our Terms and Conditions

- Select Image

- Crop to correct size

- Upload

You can follow the same to add the banner as well in the English and 
the Arabic pages.

4. How long will it take for the images to be displayed on my Seller Profile page?

It will take 24 to 48 hours to be updated on your profile.

5. Can I change my logo and banner?

You can change your logo and banner anytime. Any modification (even if it is the same image) will have to be approved by noon and it will go through moderation again.

6. Are my seller logos and banners country-specific?

Yes, all images are country-specific. If your account is available across different countries that noon operates in, you'll have to change to the desired country using the user interface at the top-right of Seller Lab.

7. Are my seller logos and banners language-specific?

The banner you upload is language-specific, and the logo is the same for both English and Arabic.

8.  Will my seller logo be used anywhere else beyond Seller Profile?

Upon full release, your seller logo will also be available on the PDP (Product Display Page). The default noon store icon will continue to be displayed for sellers who have not uploaded their seller logo.

If customers click the store name on your page it will take them to your profile page.


Your profile page will be visible as follows to the customer.



That's it!


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