Increase Your Sales with the Price Engine

Increase Your Sales with the Price Engine

Now you can effortlessly go head to head against the competition! Just sit back and let the noon Price Engine take care of the fierce pricing battles of e-commerce. 

What Is a Price Engine?

The price engine is a price optimization software that saves you time and maximizes your sales by helping you win the buybox internally and compete with external offers. It's a tool available to you in Seller Lab which captures real-time price changes across the site, and automatically adjusts pricing within the range that you authorize to stay competitive and close to the winning offer.

How does the Price Engine work?

To activate the price engine, you need to make sure to accept the Terms and conditions in the seller lab following the steps shown below.
- In Seller Lab click on Legal and Tax option and click on Terms and conditions.
Note: Make sure to read and accept the Terms and conditions to start using the
price engine on Seller Lab.


Once you agree to the TNCs of price engine, you need to set up you price engine minimum and maximum price range. This range is used by the price engine tool as a threshold for pricing the items.

Note: The maximum and minimum price range should take into consideration all VAT,
fees and commission.

1. What is the maximum price and when will your products be priced at the maximum pricing?

The maximum price refers to the highest value that you're ready to sell your item for and still be considered a fair price for buyers. The scenarios where your products will be priced at maximum are as follows:

  • Winning the buy box
  • No competition for the same product.
  • If your maximum price is less when compared to your competitor.

2. What is the minimum price and when will your products be priced at the minimum pricing?

The minimum price refers to the lowest value that you're ready to sell your item for. The minimum price should also help you determine your profit margin on the product. Noon will not price the item less than what you have set as the minimum price range for the item. The scenarios where your product will be set on minimum price are:

  • When you are not able to win the buy-box with your current rating and prices.
  • When you are not able to beat the external competition with your pricing.

How to Activate My Price Engine in Single Upload

- Click on Catalog and then select Partner Catalog

Quick View

- You can either upload the pricing rule from the partner catalog page by clicking on the Edit button in the price column.

- In the pop-up, select the pricing method as Pricing Engine, then select your pricing engine rule. Set your price engine min-max range, and click Update to activate the pricing engine on the SKU.

Regular View

- Select the SKU you want to enable on Pricing Engine.

- Under the Offer and Content tab, scroll down the Price Details section and select the pricing method as Pricing Engine. Select your Pricing Engine Rule and also update your Price Engine min-max range.

Note: You need to set your price engine minimum and maximum pricing you are willing
to sell the item for.

Click on Save Changes and update will go live immediately

 How to Activate My Price Engine in Bulk

- Click on Catalog and the click on Exports. Then click on Add Exports.

- Select Price in Export Type, and Pricing method Update in Export Sub-type, as well as your desired product status.

-Then click Request Report


Once the report downloaded, follow these steps:

  • Activate the Price Engine by adding pricing_engine to the psku_pricing_method column.
  • Select your Pricing Engine rule by adding internal_and_external_comp or internal_comp_only in the pricing_rule column.
  • Set your desired minimum price and maximum price thresholds in the price_engine_min & the price_engine_max columns.
  • To Deactivate the Price Engine add manual to the psku_pricing_method.

- Upload your file to Seller Lab in the Imports tab

- In Seller Lab, click on Catalog


- Then select Imports and click on New imports

- Select Price in Imports Type and Pricing method Update in Imports Sub-type, as well as your desired product status.

- Click Next to upload your file.


- You can either Upload or Paste the data in the space provided, as shown in the screenshot. Then click on Submit.

- Once the file is upload, it will be available in the Imports section under the Price, Stock and Deals tab. It will show the status of your file, whether is successful, failed or partially failed. 

- If your uploaded file receives a Failed or Partially Failed status, you will have the option to download the file to check and fix the errors. The most common reasons for file upload failure and solutions to fix those errors will be listed.

ErrorExplanationSolution to fix the error
global min/max breachedYour price engine range breached the global min/max range. Adjust your price engine min/max within the global min/max 
PSKU min/max breachedYour price engine range breached your PSKU min/max rangeAdjust your price engine min/max within your PSKU min/max range.
sku was not foundThe SKU you entered was not found. Ensure the SKU details mentioned in the sheet are available in your partner catalog.
incorrect pricing_methodThe pricing method can only be one of manual or pricing_engineEnsure the pricing_method column is either manual or pricing_engine.
Pricing Rule can only be applied to sku on Pricing EnginePricing Rules are only applied when the pricing method is pricing engine

Change pricing method to pricing_engine.

Pricing Engine requires pricing_rule column to be set as internal_comp_only or internal_and_external_comp

You did not enter a pricing engine ruleAdd pricing_rule column and specify one of internal_comp_only or internal_and_external_comp.

Pricing Rule can be one of internal_comp_only or internal_and_external_comp

You entered an incorrect pricing engine ruleEnter one of internal_comp_only or internal_and_external_comp as pricing rule.
price_engine_min can not be greater than price_engine_maxYour price engine min is higher than your price engine max

Ensure your price engine minimum price is less than the price engine maximum price to avoid this error.

missing data fieldSome fields in the row are missingFill in all the fields of SKUs you want to activate the price engine for.
country_code is not valid countryCountry code can only be one of AE, EG, SAThe country_code row should have the correct country code i.e., AE for UAE, SA for KSA and EG for Egypt.
duplicate rowYou entered the same row twiceAvoid entering the details of the SKUs twice in the same document. Each SKU's details should be filled only once.

- Once you have corrected the errors, you can re-upload the file after making all the necessary corrections.


That’s it!


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