Managing your returns/ Managing FBN returns

Managing your returns/ Managing FBN returns

At Noon, customers have the option to return purchased items within 15 days of delivery, provided the items fall within the returnable categories. Once a return is initiated, all customer-returned units are received in the warehouse they were originally shipped from.

This guide provides essential details about Noon’s return process, how to handle returned units, and the steps to streamline your operations effectively.

What are my options for handling returns?

There are 2 possible ways you can manage your returned units : 

1) Move the units to noon Express - This is the default process where all your returned units are moved back to the warehouse it was shipped from. As soon as the units have passed QC, they will then be moved to your FBN inventory and the product will be live under noon Express.

2) Receive the Units Back:
Returned units can be sent back to your selected return location in two ways:

  1. Manual Return Requests: You can manually create RTV (Return to Vendor) requests through the Manage Returns page, accessible from the Returns section under the Fulfilled by Noon tab in Seller Lab.
  2. Automatic Returns: If return preferences are configured (e.g., for aging items), the units will be automatically processed for RTV to your selected location after being received in the Noon warehouse.

Note: Items will be confiscated if they exceed a certain ageing bucket (refer to the confiscation policy)

Why We Recommend Moving Returned Units to Noon Express

Enabling the default process of moving returned units to Noon Express offers several advantages:

Key benefits are:

  • Reduced logistics time & costs for handing returns
  • Lower fees charged for FBN orders
  • Faster delivery commitment to customers
  • Trusted noon Express badge
  • More sales.

What happens to my returned units which fail QC?

If the unit was compromised by the customer (e.g., due to damage, missing parts, etc.) and fails QC, the item will be returned to the warehouse. As a seller, you can create a return request for this non-saleable stock. Compensation will be processed according to noon's grading policy. To learn more about our grading policy, click here.

How will noon communicate return sales to me ?

When items are returned after shipping out, noon will update the Credit Notes report. You can access it from the Statements & Invoices section in Seller Lab by entering a date range.



Q: I have been selling on Noon for a while, but I haven’t received any returns. Why?
A: If you haven't received any returns yet, it may be due to the following reasons:
1. Inventory Retrieval Request Required

  • To receive returned items, sellers must submit an inventory retrieval request.
  • You can do this through:
  • Seller Lab: Submit a retrieval request directly.
  • Seller Support: Contact Noon via for assistance.

2. Return Preferences in Seller Lab

  • If your Return to Vendor (RTV) preference is not set to either Pickup or Delivery, and is left blank or set to Dispose, returns will not be sent back to you.
  • Check your settings to ensure they are configured to receive returns instead of having them disposed of.

Important Note for DirectShip Sellers

  • If you are a DirectShip seller, Non-Delivery Returns (NDRs) are automatically returned to your registered address.
  • No retrieval request is required
    in this case.

That’s it!


Got more questions? 

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