If a seller has the following (or any other) relationship with a noon official/employee, an immediate family member of a noon official/employee, or any such knowledge thereof, the seller shall disclose the information to noon by filling the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form here: https://forms.gle/dwaockXfoyw44js5A.
1. A noon official, a director, an employee, or their immediate family member that has an ownership interest in the seller's company or is deriving personal financial gain from this contract.
2. A retired/separated noon official, director, or employee who hasn't been working in noon for less than one (1) year, and who has an ownership interest in the seller's Company.
3. A noon employee or a director who is contemporaneously employed, or prospectively to be employed by the seller.
4. A seller who has or will provide gifts, hospitality of any value, or any other gratuities including invitations to company events and functions to any noon official, director, or employee to obtain or maintain a contract.
- It is the seller's responsibility to inform noon if any conflict of interest
arises after signing the disclosure.
- Disclosing a potential conflict of interest does not disqualify the seller.
However, if a seller fails to disclose a potential or an existing conflict
of interest, the seller will lose their selling privileges on noon, and access
to any future partnerships and collaborations with noon.
That’s it!
Got questions?
Reach out to seller@noon.com