Product Listing Ads (PLA)

Product Listing Ads (PLA)

You can advertise your products individually to win premium search positions on our pages. The Product Listing Ads (PLA) feature will enable you to set up ad campaigns and sponsor products of your choice directly from Seller Lab.

What are Product Listing Ads (PLA)?

With the help of Product Listing Ads (PLA), you'll be able to advertise your offers so that they appear first in the search results, when customers perform a search related to your products. 

Whenever a customer clicks your product, you'll be charged a specific amount (bid) that you allocate to each keyword you choose to use in your ad campaign.

How can I advertise my products so they appear first in search results?

You can set up ad campaigns anytime on Seller Lab, and your ads will go live immediately. Simply follow the below steps to activate an ad campaign:

  1. Start a new ad campaign here, and set the campaign duration.
  2. Add from your catalog the products that you want to include in the campaign.
  3. Add the right keywords to describe your products. The keywords will be used to match your ads to words used by our customers while searching for products on noon.
  4. Update the daily advertising budget for your campaign (it can be as little as 100 AED/SAR/EGP), and set up your bid for each keyword, which is the maximum amount of your cost per click. Your chosen daily budget will be reactivated everyday throughout the duration of your campaign.

Your offer will be the first to appear on a search results page if your bid is higher than those of other sellers who sell the same product.

noon will then deduct the equivalent of your bid whenever a customer clicks your product, and you’ll be able to access the details of the charges in your weekly payment statement.

How can I activate PLA on Seller Lab?

In Seller Lab, click Ad Lab, then click Campaign.

You'll land on the ads dashboard which will provide you with an overview of your ads key statistics, such as your ROI, the total revenue generated from ads, the ads conversion, etc.

1. Click Create campaign to start.


2. Then fill in the necessary information; campaign name, campaign start/end date, campaign daily budget, and the relevant marketplace. And click Create.


3. Add the products you want to include in the campaign. You can also choose from the selection of the recommended SKUs. You can delete SKUs from your campaign whenever necessary by clicking the waste bin icon.

Note: Each campaign should have similar SKUs (either belonging to the same
product type, or the same brand, or both, depending on the theme of
your campaign). This will ensure the relevance of the keywords you choose,
and the effectiveness of your campaign.


4. Add the keywords that will be targeted in this campaign, and that will match the words used by our customers when they search for products related to your campaign on noon. You can also select keywords from the list of recommended keywords, which is based on keywords that were previously used by our customers.

Note: Make sure to separate your keywords using a coma.
For instance: phone, mobile, black

5. Then add your bid for each keyword, meaning the maximum amount you're willing to pay for this ad whenever a customer clicks your product. You can also choose an amount from the recommended bids, which are based on the popularity of a particular keyword. Then click Launch to launch your campaign.


How do keywords work?

The keywords that you choose to describe your products are the key components of the success of your campaign. Your chosen keywords will match the customers' search if it's limited to your exact keywords, a phrase that contains your keywords, or simply if the search contains any of your keywords. Listed below are examples of how keywords are targeted in customer searches:

Search typeTargeted KeywordSearch strings supported
Exact wordsRed t-shirt

Red t-shirt

PhraseRed t-shirt

red t-shirt, RED T-SHIRT, Red T-shirt

new red t-shirt

red t-shirt Lacoste

BroadRed t-shirt

red t-shirt, RED T-SHIRT, Red T-shirt, new red t-shirt, red t-shirt Lacoste

Red Lacoste t-shirt

New red Lacoste t-shirt


What is the meaning of each campaign status?

Once created, an ad campaign goes through different stages which are represented by specific statuses.

The table below describes the various statuses you might see and relevant recommended actions.

DraftThe campaign isn't eligible to show ads because you haven't launched it yet.

At least one of the following conditions isn't met:

1. At least one SKU is added.
2. At least one keyword with the bid is added.



The campaign hasn't started yet, and is scheduled to start on a future date that you chose.

All of the following must be true:

1. At least one keyword with a bid.

2. At least one SKU is added.

3. The campaign starting time is in the future.


The campaign is active.

Your ads will be displayed in eligible placements.

All of the following must be true

1. At least one keyword with a bid.

2. At least one SKU is added

3. The campaign duration has already started.

4. The daily budget is not fully consumed.

5. The wallet has balance.

EndedThe campaign has ended, and the campaign end date has passed.

All of the following must be true

1. At least one keyword with a bid.

2. At least one SKU.

3. The campaign end date has passed.

PausedThe campaign isn't eligible because it is set to Paused.The campaign can be paused within the duration of its activation.
Budget endedThe campaign has exceeded the Campaign Daily Budget. Ads in this campaign are not eligible to serve impressions until the next day, after midnight, when the daily budget resets.

The following is true:

If the budget spent up to the current time on a specific day is >= daily budget.

Payment failed

The wallet has insufficient funds.

If the wallet balance <=0
ArchivedThe campaign is deleted.Once a campaign is archived, the campaign can’t be reactivated.

How can I fund my ad campaigns?

To fund your ad campaigns, noon will provide you with weekly credit. The credit limit of your wallet is fixed, and it is based on your historical sales data. 

Your wallet is automatically funded every week at the end of each payment cycle so that you can conveniently use your credit for your campaigns' daily budget. You can keep track of your available wallet credit on the Ad Lab dashboard.


How will I be charged for my ad campaigns?

You will incur a charge equivalent to your bid each time a customer clicks your product. noon will then deduct all charges incurred over a week from your weekly payment, and said charges will be part of your weekly payment statement, which you can access in the Payments tab.

Note: The total advertising cost that's displayed on your Ad Lab dashboard is
exclusive of VAT. Charges inclusive of VAT will appear in your weekly payment


Find out about the Ad Lab dashboard by clicking here.

Find out answers to all the frequently asked questions here.


That's it


For any queries please drop in an email to



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