Return to Vendor (RTV) Report

Return to Vendor (RTV) Report

When transferring your stock to noon warehouse, it remains yours and can be retrieved at any time, subject to retrieval fees. To provide you with a comprehensive view of the stock requested for retrieval, we have reports available - the RTV Request and RTV Shipment reports in the Seller Lab.

How to download the RTV report?

You can easily access the RTV reports from the Seller Lab, providing clarity on the stock requested for retrieval. To download these reports, follow these simple steps:
- Click on Navigation menu, then select Reports and choose the Custom Reports tab.

- Then click on Generate Report.

- From the drop-down list, select the report you wish to download. You can download RTV report-Requests or RTV Report- Shipments.

- Select the date range for which you want to download the report and click on Generate Report button.

- The report will be queued in the report section, and you can either view the report on Seller Lab, view  report's history, or just proceed to download the file as an excel file.


Tabulated explanation of these reports

The given tables will provide detailed explanations of both of these reports. They give descriptions of the information you will find in each row.

1. RTV Report - Requests


return_request_nrReference ID for return requests
id_partnerSeller ID parter
skuNoon SKU
barcodeThis can be either pbarcode, RMS barcode, or box barcode 
requested_qtyQuantity that is requested by the seller
shipped_qtyQuantity actually shipped by noon to the seller. 
cancelled_qtyQuantity of stock canceled by noon
reason_for_cancelationReason behind the items cancelled. Field will be null if no items are cancelled.
Return preferences are:
  • Delivery (for sort)
  • Pickup (for non-sort&bulky)
  • Dispose (for all)
Type of inventory you are requesting:
  • Saleable
  • Non-saleable

For saleable requests, returns types are:

  • Saleable

For non-saleable requests, returns types are:

  • Mislabel
  • Non-Delivered Returns
  • Customer Returns
  • ASN Inbound QC failed
These are the statuses:
  • Pending Approval
  • Cancelled
  • Auto Cancelled
  • Approved
  • Processed
  • Processed (1 or more qty is canceled )
warehouseThe warehouse from where the stock is requested by the seller.
countryCountry where warehouse is located
request_created_atDate of request creation
request_completed_atDate of request completion (delivery)
shipment_infoThis field includes details regarding the 1 or more shipments that had this SKU returned in. The detailed subfields in this field are explained in the table below

 2. RTV Report - Shipments

Field nameExplanation

Reference ID for return requests.

id_partnerSeller's Partner ID
warehouse_nameThe warehouse from where the items are requested from
countryCountry of the warehouse
barcodeThis can be either pbarcode, RMS barcode, or box barcode
awb_nrThis is the airway bill number of the shipment

For saleable requests, returns types are:

  • Saleable

For non-saleable requests, returns types are:

  • Mislabel
  • Non-Delivered Returns
  • Customer Returns
  • ASN Inbound QC failed
Statuses of shipment:
  • The shipment is delivered
  • The shipment is collected
  • The shipment is lost
  • The shipment is created
  • The shipment with tpl
  • The shipment is received
high_valueDid the shipment have HRV items?

Quantity of the SKU shipped in this shipment

shipment_created_atDate of shipment creation
shipment_last_status_updated_atDate of when was the last time the shipment was updated
dispute_codeThis is the dispute reference number, if you have any disputes
Dispute types:
  • Shipment-level
  • Item-level
dispute_reasonReason reported when raising the dispute
Dispute Statuses:
  • Opened
  • Pending
  • Resolved
  • Closed
  • Force_updated
  • Accepted

If there is a dispute created and it’s item-level, resolution will be the resolution grade

If there is a dispute created and it’s shipment-level, resolution will be the resolution amount and currency.


Internal RTV Document number.


That’s it!


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