Seller reviews & ratings

Seller reviews & ratings


What is Seller Rating?

Seller Rating reflects your reputation as a seller because it reflects the quality of the shopping experience. Maintaining a high seller rating will reflect your excellent performance and help our customers trust your service and products. Customers are more likely to buy from highly rated sellers, which in return helps boost your sales. The seller rating affects who wins the Buy Box, and your store’s Seller Rating is displayed next to every product you sell.

How is my rating calculated?

Once a customer receives their order, they can leave a rating from 1 to 5 stars, depending on how satisfied they are with the experience. Seller Rating is a weighted average of seller ratings by customers. The most recent ratings have the most significant influence on your score. By doing this, we hope to represent the sellers’ current performance on noon to the customers. This approach will allow customers to make more informed buying decisions and provide a fair and transparent rating.

Customers can also submit written feedback related to their shopping experience. 

All seller reviews must follow our seller review guidelines. If you notice any reviews breaking these guidelines, please contact us at, and we’ll get back to you.

Where can I find my Seller Reviews rating?

1. Noon website

Your seller rating & reviews can be found in two places by customers on the noon website: Product Display Page and Seller Profile.

a. PDP:

Your seller rating & reviews are displayed on the right side of the page on noon, under your store name. It includes:

  • Star rating average
  • Percentage of total positive reviews


b Seller Profile:

Your seller rating & reviews are displayed on your Seller Profile on noon webpage. The information on your seller profile includes:

  • Star rating average
  • Percentage of positive ratings
  • Total number of reviews and ratings
  • Distribution of each star rating
  • Percentage of Product as Described
2. Reputation Management
The Reputation Management page on Seller Lab offers information related to your performance and how customers rate your products and your service. We strongly recommend that you check it often to assess your strengths, as well as to identify problem areas in order to improve them. Follow the steps listed below to access your Reputation Management page:

- In Account health and performance, click Reputation management

From Dashboard you will be able to see the summary


From Seller reviews you can see more information and export a report with all the details


Alternatively, you can access the raw data on your seller reviews & ratings and download a report with your customer feedback directly on Seller Lab. 

To download the raw data:

 You can download your customer reviews report from Seller Lab too.

  1. On Seller Lab, click the three line on the top left corner of the screen, then click Reports and then select Customer reports.
  2. Click on Generate Report


Select Purchase Reviews, then select the date range of your choice.

Finally, click Generate Report

The report you downloaded will show you the individual reviews for each order according to its item number.


This tool is super useful and can help you grow as a seller based on applying your customers’ feedback.



That’s it!


Got more questions? 

Contact us at

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