Product Listing
Accessing Catalog Using the New Catalog Tool
Efficient catalog management is essential for maximizing sales and keeping product information up to date. The New Catalog Tool simplifies this process, allowing sellers to easily view and update prices, stock levels, and offers across all business ...
Brand Creation Guidelines
Creating your own brand on Noon Marketplace opens a world of opportunities for sellers. This guide outlines key steps and guidelines to successfully list and get your brand approved, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. Preventing Duplicate Brand ...
Guidelines For Prohibited Items And Keywords
This guide provides essential insights into the standards of noon Marketplace, highlighting the key reasons why product listings might be rejected and explaining the prohibited items and categories to ensure compliance with legal and brand standards. ...
Relabeling Feature for non saleable inventory
This article offers guidance on handling stock transfers to the Noon warehouse, focusing on quality checks and managing non-saleable items. Reasons for Non-Saleable Inventory Non-saleable inventory refers to items stored in the Noon warehouse that ...
Listing Products on noon - FAQ
1- Product listing key-terms Acronym Definition SKU Stock keeping unit. A standard identifier for a product. Partner SKU or PSKU The name you give your own product. This is unique to your own catalog. PSKU Code A unique identifier generated by noon ...
How to search for items in the Partner Catalog
Finding your items in the Partner Catalog just got easier. With multiple search and filter functions, you can now easily and accurately browse through your inventory. I. Catalog Views The Partner Catalog displays all SKUs listed in your store, ...
How to list products belonging to multiple categories in bulk
As a seller, you can list one, or multiple categories of products on your noon virtual store. This article provides the steps to list products belonging to multiple categories in bulk. Find out more on how to list products that belong to a single ...
How to Categorize your Seller SKU
Product taxonomy logically classifies and organizes all available products to facilitate easy navigation of products on the site. An appropriate product taxonomy is vital for an enhanced website navigation, product discovery and user experience. ...
Warranty Requirements
Noon’s success is grounded in our commitment to business integrity and in our consistent implementation of high standards in our service. Providing a product warranty is a promise that assures our customers that the product can be fixed in case it ...
Prohibited Products
At noon, our goal is to provide customers with a wide selection of high-quality products that enhance their daily lives. You can offer a diverse range of products for sale on noon, with the exception of those listed below, and those that are ...
Brand Registration
Noon allows listings only for products from verified brands. Sellers can now request brand verification and add new brands via a streamlined process in Seller Lab. You are able to create new products (as Seller SKUs) as soon as you have requested for ...
The Seller SKU Brand
The Brand Brand are used by customers to perform a search for their favorite products, and it's an element that they pay close attention to while browsing products on the site as they associate brands with quality, luxury, trendiness, etc. The brand ...
Create a New Product of a Noon Controlled Brand
Authorized resellers and distributors of Noon-controlled brands can now easily list new products on Seller Lab. Here’s a step-by-step process for creating and listing these products, whether individually or in bulk. Overview of the Product Listing ...
Seller SKU Quick Copy of the Content
The Quick Copy Content feature in Seller Lab allows you to easily create multiple similar products by duplicating an existing Seller SKU’s content. This is particularly useful for creating variations, such as products in different colors, without ...
Barcode Requirements
To ensure a smooth fulfillment process when selling products via Fulfilled by Noon (FBN) or Fulfilled by Partner (FBP), having barcodes on all units is mandatory. Barcodes play a crucial role in accurate order fulfillment, item tracking, and quality ...
The Seller SKU Product Attributes
The product attributes are the components that describe the product specifications that buyer seeks when purchasing a product and comparing between the competitive brands. Providing these attributes will increase the quality of your product details ...
Seller SKU Content Language Requirements
When you’re creating your Seller SKU products it’s important to know what language your content has to be in. To adjust to the needs of the different markets, the requirements are different depending on what country you’re selling your products in. ...
Seller SKU Content Export and Translation
The Seller SKU Content Export feature allows you to download, modify, and update all content (in English and Arabic) for any Partner SKU. This feature provides a quick way to make bulk edits or add translations, making it easier to manage content ...
Title Requirements and Rejection Reasons for the Seller SKU
The title is one of the most prominent and important parts of the product listing. It is considered as a key factor for ensuring a positive customer experience. A specific and accurate product title can drive valuable leads to the listing, on the ...
Picture Requirements and Rejection Reasons for the Seller SKU
Images are one of the biggest factors which impact a customer’s purchase decision. High quality images should always be used in your listings as they're a way customers use to quickly evaluate the product before referring to the product information. ...
Seller SKU Content Quality
noon distinguishes between two SKU types: Noon SKUs (NSKU) and Seller SKUs. Seller SKUs provide sellers full responsibility over the content, with only the seller who creates a SKU authorized to sell it. Unlike Noon SKUs, the content for Seller SKUs ...
Feature Bullets (Product Highlights) and Description for the Seller SKU
Feature Bullets (Product Highlights) Feature Bullets (reflected in the product display page as Product Highlights) is one of the important sections where you can describe the selling features of the product in detail. If there is any important ...
Guidelines for listing Apple products
noon takes its responsibility to customers very seriously and as valuable stakeholders of the noon family, we need you sellers to be cautious about products that are sent to us. 1. Listing Apple products with noon noon takes its responsibility to ...
Content Guidelines for Product Listing for Home Category
The following are the basic guidelines that need to be followed to complete your products' listing through a smooth process. The below guidelines are divided as per different product types under the Home Products category, this to ensure that your ...
How to create product titles of grocery items
Clear and descriptive product titles help customers browse our offerings conveniently, quickly determine whether a product has what they need, and intuitively add it to their cart. Therefore, when composed properly, product titles can help you avoid ...
The Seller SKU's Content Guidelines for Laptop & Monitors
In order to ensure a proper understanding of your product to the customer, please follow the structure of the document to create content. You can begin with: Title creation. Image upload. Listing product features and attributes. A few points to note: ...
Seller SKU Bulk Creation
To list products in bulk, add images and descriptions to the New Item Set-up Sheet (NIS) available on your Seller Lab account. After completing the NIS, upload it to Seller Lab, where it will be reviewed and published on Noon within three business ...
Partner SKU rename import
This feature allows you to rename your existing partner_sku without needing to delete it, in case it was named incorrectly or requires updating. Follow this guide for a smooth, successful import process, covering the import columns and step-by-step ...
Partner SKU delete import
This import enables you to delete your own existing partner_sku, in case you don't need it any more. In this article we will help you ensure a successful and effective import through walking through the import columns and step by step to delete your ...
How to use and make changes to your products on catalog listing page?
The catalog listing page provides a lot of information about the product and its health. In the search and filters article we explain how to narrow down the list of your products by using the search option and multiple filter under the main and ...
Creating product variations: adding sizes, colors, and other attributes
Product variations represent different versions of a single product based on attributes like size, color, material, flavor, etc. For example, a handbag might be available in multiple colors, sizes, and materials. Listing these variations under one ...
Single SKU creation
The cataloging process is designed to help you quickly create your products at noon and have them go live within 3 business days. It gives sellers control and ownership over the content of their products and allows for flexibility in the way SKUs are ...
What is Catalog?
The Catalog is designed to help you manage and sell your products on noon. The noon Catalog also acts as a product database, packed with pictures and product descriptions of all products sold on noon. It is there to help make selling easier. Use the ...
How to make your FBN products live? (reactivate)
Your FBN products may become inactive for several reasons. As a proactive measure, noon will notify you via email whenever any of your products become inactive, along with the reason for their current status. Addressing these concerns promptly is ...
Product Listing Comprehensive Overview
Welcome to your comprehensive guide for listing and managing your products on Noon. This guide provides the knowledge needed to optimize your product listings on Noon, from ensuring compliance with listing requirements to enhancing your product pages ...