Create a New Product of a Noon Controlled Brand

Create a New Product of a Noon Controlled Brand

 Authorized resellers and distributors of noon controlled brand products can now list their new products one by one directly on the Seller Lab using the user interface.

Overall process of creating a product from a noon controlled brand is as following: 

  1. Follow the creation process of a single product or multiple products. 
  2. You will be prompted to enter the Brand Catalog page (Seller Lab> Catalog > Brand Catalog). 
  3. Search for the product in Brand Catalog and find the best possible match. 
  4. If no match is found, request for a new Noon SKU to be created. 

How do I know whether the product I’m trying to sell is from a noon controlled brand? 

Whether you are selling a noon controlled brand product or any other product, the creation process will start the same. Once you’ve chosen the category and brand of your product, the process will start differing depending on whether the brand is noon controlled or not. 

Create noon controlled brand products one-by-one on Seller Lab. 

Step 1: Create the SKU. 

Add Product

Navigate to the Partner Catalog Screen (Seller Lab > Catalog > Partner Catalog) and click on Add Product > Single Product in top right corner. 

Add Category

Start by selecting the correct category for your Seller SKU. If you’re unsure what the category of your product is, find a similar product on and paste to URL in the search bar. This will automatically give you the category of the selected product. Check out this article for more information on the categorization of SKUs. 

Add Brand

Use the search bar to find the brand of the product. Make sure you’re choosing the correct brand. You can also use the Brand Management tab in Catalog (Seller Lab> Catalog > Brand Management). Once you’ve choose the brand and category you’ll see a pop up notification that you’re trying to sell a noon controlled brand. 

 Step 2: Noon Catalog Matching

The next step will take you to the Noon Catalog.

If you’re trying to sell a product of a noon controlled brand, there is a good chance that they’ve already been created. 

Important notice: The screen will show you all the products of the brand you’ve selected in the previous step. You can use the filter option in each field to look for a specific product. Only this will show you all the relevant information. 

You can click on view more option under the details column and verify the item specification. Make sure that all the specifications match exactly. At this step you will either find the exact match of the item that you want to sell or you wont find the exact match

Scenario 1: If you find the exact match you can create the PSKU or request noon to generate the PSKU and proceed to the next step. Make sure to click create, after you've added your PSKU.

You can add as many Partner SKUs as you wish at this step. Once you've completed the creation, click on continue, to proceed to the next step. 

You have now successfully created the Partner SKUs. All you have to add is the offer information. You can fill in the information for the stock, price and barcode in the next step to take the item live. If you wish to skips this step, you can do so by clicking on the skip this step button. Keep in mind that you product will not go live until the relevant offer information is added.


Once the details are updated, click on create.

The item will be created and will appear in your partner catalog.


Scenario 2: In case you do not find the exact match you can create a new noon SKU by clicking the option of 'create new noon SKU'.

Add your product PSKU. Then click Submit.

The following steps are relevant for the case, when you can’t find the product in the noon catalog - only for scenario 2.


Step 3: Adding content

You’ll be directed to the content page (similar to how you would be in the regular creation process). You will see an orange banner on the top of the page prompting you to ‘map the Seller SKU to a Noon SKU’. The button ‘Map Now’ has the same functionality. 


Before you map anything, make sure you add as much content to the SKU as possible. The system will take the content you provide and try to find matches based on it so it’s important you don’t leave all the fields empty. Focus especially on attributes such as title, model number, model name, etc. 

Once you’ve added the content click ‘Save Change’. 

Now click on ‘Map Now’ / orange banner. 


Step 4: Matching in Brand Catalog

Once you’ve clicked on the ‘Map Now’ button, you’ll be taken to the Brad Catalog, specifically to the page of the product that you just filled out the content for. You can navigate to this page also without going to the product detail page in the catalog. Seller Lab > Catalog > Brand Catalog. Use the brand information or the SKU number to find the product. 

On the left-hand side of the page you will see a column with your products. You can filter that queue through the status of your suggestions. Options are the following: 

  • Suggestions Pending - we’re still looking for your suggestions. Might take some time for them to generate. Check back on the SKU in a few minutes. 
  • Suggestions Ready - you can now review the suggestions and choose the most suitable product. 
  • No Suggestions Found - no suggestions were found for your product. 

Once you click on the product in the left column, you will see the attributes and if the status is Suggestion Ready, also the suggestions. 

Review the suggestions and choose the product that you want to sell. There is a link to the page for you to review the images and specifications of the suggestions. Make sure you are matching the correct product, otherwise it will be rejected during inbound. 

If you don’t like the suggestions, you can always go back to the content page, add more content and click ‘Save Changes’. This will update the suggestions based on the updated content. 

Once you find it, click ‘Select this match’. This will take you back to the content page. All you have to do now is add your price, stock, barcode and warranty if applicable and you’re ready to sell this product! 

You have now successfully added your product. The following steps are relevant for the case, when you can’t find the product in Brand Catalog or if there were no suggestions found for the content that you added. 


Step 5: If no match in Brand Catalog, request for a new Noon SKU to be created

If you cannot find the perfect match or there are no suggestions for your product, scroll all the way down (under all the suggestions) and click ‘Use My Content to Create a New Noon SKU’. 

This will submit the content you’ve added initially to our team. They will review the content and decide whether we already have a Noon SKU for it or they will create a new one using your content. 

If your content is insufficient they might reject the product and you will have to go through the process of adding the content and finding a match again. 

Create noon controlled brand products in bulk. 

If you’re creating the products in bulk, simply upload the spreadsheet as you would normally. Follow the steps here. 

If we find a product that is from a noon controlled brand, that product will appear in the Brand Catalog. (Seller Lab > Catalog > Brand Catalog)


Follow steps 5 and 6 from Part 1 to find the correct product match. 



That's it!


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