Disputes & Claims Resolution Policy

Disputes & Claims Resolution Policy

Partner Disputes

noon Sellers may sometimes find issues or discrepancies on their forward or reverse stock transfers despite noon’s rigorous efforts, thus, noon has designed a mechanism that will allow such problems or discrepancies to be reported. This mechanism is called Partner Disputes.

Dispute Types & Reasons

Tabulated below are the four different types of Partner Disputes:

  1. DirectShip NDR Disputes - This type of dispute can be raised when there is a damaged non-deliverable DirectShip shipment return received by the seller. The seller can raise the dispute for the following reasons and can only be raised if the return has been marked “Damaged” at the time of receiving and within 14 days from the delivery date:

                  a.  Damaged Shipment

                  b.  Wrong Item Received

  1. DirectShip CIR Disputes - This type of dispute can be raised where there is an issue with the DirectShip Customer Initiated Returns. Such disputes must be raised within 7 days from the return delivery date. The seller can raise the dispute for the following reasons:

                  a.  Damaged Returns

                  b.  Wrong Item Returned

                  c.  Locked Electronic Devices

                  d.  Empty Box

                  e.   Lost Return Shipment

  1. RTV Shipment Disputes - This type of dispute can be raised when there is an issue(s) with the item(s) received from either a Saleable or Non-Saleable inventory removal shipment or RTV (Return-to-Vendor). Such disputes must be raised within 14 days from the delivery date. The seller can raise the dispute for the following reasons:

                  a. Shipment not received

                  b.  Shipment confiscated

                  c.   Item(s) or part(s) missing

                  d.  Damaged item(s)

                  e.  Wrong item(s)

                  f.   Mixed reasons

  1. Item Graded Disputes - This type of dispute can be raised when there is an issue with the received item from a requested Non-Saleable (NDR and CIR)  inventory removal shipment. Such disputes must be raised within 14 days from the delivery date and the seller can raise the dispute for the following reasons:

                  a.  Missing part(s)

                  b.  The seal is broken

                  c.    The item is physically damaged

                  d.    Empty box received

                  e.  Locked unit

                  f.    Wrong item received

                  g.   System says delivered but product not received

Dispute Creation Process

Creating a Partner Dispute is easy and you can follow these steps according to the Dispute Type.

DirectShip NDR Disputes

Sellers can follow these steps to create a DirectShip NDR Dispute provided that the return shipment has been marked “Damaged” at the time of receiving. If the shipment was not marked “Damaged” during receiving, it will not be eligible for a dispute creation even if it’s still within 14 days from the delivery date.

  1. Log in to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Partner
  3. Click on Transfers
  4. Click on Return Shipments
  5. Input the Shipment AWB in the search box and press Enter
  6. Click on the Create Dispute button located under the Action tab
  7. Select the Dispute Reason from the Dispute Reason dropdown field
  8. Add your comments in the Dispute Description field
  9. Upload additional images (this is optional) in the Extra images (optional) box
  10. Click on the Create Dispute button

DirectShip CIR Disputes

Sellers can follow these steps to create a DirectShip CIR Dispute provided that the return shipment has already been marked delivered and within 7 days from the delivery date.

  1. Log in to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Partner
  3. Click on Customer Returns
  4. Input the Return ID, AWB number, or the Order ID on the search box and press Enter
  5. Click on View Details
  6. Click on File New Claim
  7. Select the Claim Reason from the Claim Reason dropdown field accordingly
  8. Add your remarks in the Describe Your Claim field
  9. Attach the images of the item and its packaging
  10. Tick the confirmation clause
  11. Click on the Submit Claim button

RTV Shipment Disputes

Sellers can follow these steps to create a Shipment-Level Dispute provided that the return shipment has a terminal status (delivered, collected) and is within 14 days from the delivery date:

  1. Log in to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Noon
  3. Click on Returns
  4. Input the AWB in the search box and press Enter
  5. Click on the View Shipment button
  6. Click on the Create Dispute button
  7. Select the Dispute Reason from the dropdown field
  8. Add your Dispute comments
  9. Attach your images to support your claim
  10. Click on the Create Dispute button

Item Graded Disputes

Sellers can follow these steps to create a Shipment-Level Dispute provided that the return shipment has a terminal status (delivered, collected) and is within 14 days from the delivery date:

  1. Log in to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Noon
  3. Click on Returns
  4. Input the AWB in the search box and press Enter
  5. Click on the View Shipment button
  6. Click on the Create Dispute button located under the Action tab
  7. Select the Dispute Reason from the dropdown field
  8. Select the expected resolution grade
  9. Add your Dispute comments
  10. Attach your images to support your claim
  11. Click on the Create Dispute button

Tracking your Partner Disputes and Understanding their Statuses

You can easily track your Partner Disputes via your Seller Lab. This section guides you through the different ways to track your disputes depending on their type and understanding their statuses.

DirectShip NDR Disputes

You can easily track your DirectShip NDR Disputes by following these simple steps:

  1. Login to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Partner
  3. Click on Transfers
  4. Click on Dispute Requests
  5. Search using the Dispute number or AWB
  6. Click on the Dispute Number to view more detailed information

Below are the different statuses of your DirectShip NDR Disputes and their meaning:

  • Unresolved: the dispute is open and the resolution is pending
  • Accepted: the dispute that has been solved with a payout
  • Rejected: the dispute is resolved without any payout
  • Reappealed: the dispute resolution has been re-appealed
  • Reappeal Accepted: the re-appeal has been accepted and is resolved with a compensation (or additional payout)
  • Reappeal Rejected: the re-appeal is rejected and the previous resolution/decision stands

DirectShip CIR Disputes

  1. Login to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Noon
  3. Click on Customer Returns
  4. Search using the Return ID, AWB number, or the Order ID
  5. Click on View Details
  6. Click on See Claim Details to view more detailed information

Below are the different statuses of your DirectShip CIR Disputes and their meaning:

  • In Progress: the case is open and pending resolution
  • Approved: the case is solved with a compensation
  • Rejected: the case is solved without any compensation

RTV Shipment Disputes

  1. Log in to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Noon
  3. Click on Returns
  4. Search using the AWB or the Dispute Number (you can also click on Advanced Filters and select the Dispute Status)
  5. Click on the Shipment AWB number
  6. Click on the View Dispute button located in the upper right-hand corner to view more detailed information

Below are the different statuses of your RTV Shipment Disputes and their meaning:

  • Disputed Opened: the dispute is open and pending resolution
  • Disputed Accepted: the dispute is accepted and solved with a payout
  • Disputed Rejected: the dispute is rejected and solved without any payout

Item Graded Disputes

Sellers can follow these steps to create a Shipment-Level Dispute provided that the return shipment has a terminal status and is within 14 days from the delivery date:
  1. Log in to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Fulfilled by Noon
  3. Click on Returns
  4. Search using the AWB or the Dispute Number (you can also click on Advanced Filters and select the Dispute Status)
  5. Click on the View Shipment button
  6. Click on View Dispute under the Action tab to view more detailed information

Below are the different statuses of your RTV Shipment Disputes and their meaning:

  • Disputed Opened: the dispute is open and pending resolution
  • Disputed Accepted: the dispute is accepted and solved with a higher grade
  • Disputed Rejected: the dispute is rejected and solved at the same grade

Re-appealing a Partner Dispute Resolution

Re-appeal is a process that can be utilized by the sellers if they are not satisfied with the resolution given for their disputes/claims. Re-appealed dispute cases will be subject to further investigations and approvals. The decision on the re-appealed dispute cases will be considered final and binding.

Below are the simple steps for re-appealing Partner Disputes:
  • DirectShip NDR Disputes Re-appeal Process

            a.  Log in to Seller Lab

            b.  Go to Fulfilled by Partner

            c.  Click on Transfers

            d.  Search for the Dispute using the Dispute Number or Shipment AWB

            e.  Click on View Dispute

            f.   Click on the Reappeal button located in the upper-right-hand corner

            g.   Add your re-appeal remarks

            h.   Attach images that will support your re-appeal claim

            i.    Click on the Create Reappeal button

  • DirectShip CIR Disputes Re-appeal Process

            a.  Reply to the resolution email communication that is sent by the Seller Support team within 7 days from the email delivery date

            b.  Make sure to add your re-appeal comments

            c.   Attach supporting documents/images

  • RTV Shipment Disputes Re-appeal Process

            a.   Reply to the resolution email communication that is sent by the Seller Support team within 7 days from the email delivery date

            b.   Make sure to add your re-appeal comments

            c.   Attach supporting documents/images

  • Item Graded Disputes Re-appeal Process

            a.   Reply to the resolution email communication that is sent by the Seller Support team within 7 days from the email delivery date

            b.  Make sure to add your re-appeal comments

            c.   Attach supporting documents/images


Important notes on the Partner Dispute Re-appeal process

  • Sellers can only re-appeal once and should be within the allowable timeframe
  • Re-appealed dispute cases will be subject to further investigations and approvals. 
  • The decision on the re-appealed dispute cases will be considered final and binding.

Tracking your Partner Disputes Payments

You can easily track your Partner Dispute Payments by following these simple steps:
  1. Login to your Seller Lab
  2. Go to Payments & Fees
  3. Click on Statements & Invoices
  4. Click on Payments
  5. Under Payments > Statement Details, you will see your weekly statements with these fee type codes (provided that you have recently accepted disputes)

            a.  DirectShip NDR Disputes Fee Type Code: NDR Dispute Reimbursement

            b.  DirectShip CIR Disputes Fee Type Code: Directship Returns Dispute Fee

            c.  RTV Shipment Dispute Fee Type Code: RTV Dispute Payout

            d.   Item Graded Dispute Fee Type Codes:

                        i. Graded Non-Deliverable Returns (NDR): NDR Grading Payout

                        ii. Graded Customer-Initiated Returns (CIR): Damaged Returns Fee


Important notes about Partner Disputes

  • noon reserves the right to reject Partner Disputes if the seller is non-responsive or not able to provide the requested supporting documents or images
  • noon reserves the right to penalize the seller (monetary or non-monetary) if found to be fraudulent or proven that the Partner Disputes mechanism is being used inappropriately or in an abusive manner
  • Approved dispute payouts are net of commissions and any relevant noon fees
  • For any item which is ‘Beyond Economic Repair’, noon will pay a maximum of ‘Grade N’ (for item grading disputes) and 80% (for the remaining categories of disputes). 
  • noon’s decision on the disputes will be considered final and binding
  • noon reserves the right to make any amendment/ changes to this policy without any prior notice. It is the Seller’s responsibility to check this policy for any updates or changes.

Partner Disputes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Question: When should I create a dispute?

Answer: You should create a dispute once the return shipment has already been marked with a terminal status (delivered, collected) and within the allowed timeline (14 days from the delivery date for DirectShip NDR Disputes, Item Graded Disputes, and RTV Shipment Disputes while 7 days from the delivery date for DirectShip CIR Disputes).


  1. Question: What should I do if I am not able to create a dispute?

Answer: If you’re not able to create a dispute, make sure to check that you have the correct shipment AWB, it is still within the allowed timeline (14 days from the delivery date for DirectShip NDR Disputes, Item Graded Disputes, and RTV Shipment Disputes while 7 days from the delivery date for DirectShip CIR Disputes), and the shipment status is terminal (delivered, collected). In case that shipment AWB is correct, it’s still within the allowed timeline and has a terminal status but you’re still unable to create a dispute against it, please contact our Seller Support via the Support Center.


  1. Question: Can I create a dispute against a non-deliverable (NDR) DirectShip shipment that was not marked “Damaged”?

Answer: Unfortunately, the system will not allow you to create a dispute against a non-deliverable (NDR) DirectShip return if you have not marked it “Damaged” at the time of receiving it.


  1. Question:  Can I create a dispute for a confiscated shipment?

Answer: Yes, you can create a dispute for a confiscated shipment if it was mistakenly confiscated. This applies to RTV Shipments only. Before dispute creation, we recommend that you learn more about our Inventory Confiscation Policy

  1. Question: What happens if my RTV shipment is lost? Will I get compensated?

Answer: Yes, RTV shipments that have been accidentally lost by noon will be automatically reconciled and compensated. To learn more, visit Automated Reimbursement Process for Lost & Damaged Items 


  1. Question: I’m getting an error when I am trying to create a dispute, what should I do?

Answer: If you’re getting an error or in some cases not able to see the Create Dispute button (despite the return shipment being eligible for a dispute creation) when trying to create a dispute on your Seller Lab, please try to refresh your browser and clear your browser’s cache and cookies. If doing these steps does not solve the issue, please contact our Seller Support via the Support Center.


  1. Question: When should I expect my dispute payout? 

Answer: You can expect that your accepted dispute payments will be generated in the upcoming weekly statements.


  1. Question: My dispute is accepted but I didn’t receive the payment, what should I do?

Answer: If you have an accepted dispute and it’s not included in your weekly statements, please contact our Seller Support via the Support Center.


  1. Question: I am not able to upload images when I am creating a dispute, what should I do?

Answer: If you are unable to upload images when you’re on the dispute creation page, please try to refresh your browser and clear your cache and cookies. Keep in mind that you’re only allowed to upload images that have a file size of 5 MB. In case the steps provided do not solve the problem, please contact our Seller Support via the Support Center.

  1. Question: Is there a way to create multiple disputes in bulk or at the same time?
Answer: Unfortunately, there is no way to create Partner Disputes in bulk. Each Partner Dispute is unique and you need to select the appropriate dispute reason and attach images as proof to back up your claim(s).


  1. Question: I was on vacation and failed to file a dispute/claim within the allowable time, can I ask for an exception?
Answer: Unfortunately, we cannot give any exceptions since it is the seller’s responsibility to create their disputes or file their claims within the allowed timeframe. If you still need further assistance, please contact our Seller Support via the Support Center.


  1. Question: I was not able to mark the non-deliverable (NDR) DirectShip shipment “Damaged” due to a technical issue on both the app and the web, what should I do now?
Answer: If you’re not able to create a dispute due to the NDR DirectShip shipment being not marked as “Damaged” at the time of receiving due to technical reasons, please contact our Seller Support via the Support Center and share any proof that will help them validate your claim. An exception may be given if your claim is deemed valid.


  1. Question: I am not satisfied with the dispute resolution, what can I do?
Answer: If you are not satisfied with the resolution given to your dispute case/claim, you can file for a re-appeal. Please keep in mind that you can only re-appeal once and it should be within the allowable timeframe. Make sure that you attach supporting documentation/images in your re-appeal request as it will be subject to further investigation and approvals.


  1. Question: How long does a dispute get resolved?

Answer: Partner dispute resolution typically takes up to 15 business days, though the timeframe may vary depending on the nature of the dispute and the investigation process. If you have an open dispute case that is already beyond this timeframe and you are not getting any feedback from the Seller Support team, please make a follow-up via the Support Center.




That’s it!


Got questions?

Contact us at seller@noon.com


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