FBN Volumetric Measurement (VM) Dispute Policy

FBN Volumetric Measurement (VM) Dispute Policy

The VMS dispute dashboard is intended to provide sellers with an opportunity to dispute any measurement conflict they might have with the dimensions taken by noon. This dashboard also follows some policy and guidelines to make sure of the validation of the disputes. 


The seller can use the FBN Fee dashboard to find out about the dimensions of the product that are stored in a noon fulfillment center. The fees include FBN outbound fees and storage fees. In case of any dispute with the fees and the dimension of the item the issue can be raised through the Seller Lab. To know more about the dispute dashboard click here.

Click here to know how to raise a dispute.


The guidelines and policy which governs these disputes are as follows:

1.  The measurement captured via the volumetric  weighing machine may have a variance of 5% from the actual values and hence the dispute may or may not be accepted within the tolerance range.

2. For all the 'Accepted disputes' all future fees / charges ( post dispute creation date ) will be based on the new measurements.

3. If applicable for all the 'Accepted disputes' the fee charged for the past 30 days will be subjected to the fee revision and thus therefore the refund of the fees.

4. If for the 'Accepted disputes' post measurement revision, the previously charged fees is within the 5% tolerance range, the fee reversal is not applicable. However, for the future calculation the new measurement will be considered.

5. Seller can raise a dispute for a specific P-barcode only once in 60 days.

6. In case the measurement shared by seller are vague and not in accordance to the P-barcode, those measurement will be considered as invalid inputs and will be rejected. Seller can reach out for revaluation to our seller support by sharing the below details

  • List of P-barcodes with the expected measurement
  • Dispute number.
  • P-barcode
  • Photos or video supporting the measurements.

7. In case the P-barcode that is Out of stock,  a reevaluation will not happen and will be reflecting under out of stock section of the dashboard. To reevaluate these P-barcode sellers can either inbound the items  or reach out to seller support with the given details to raise a request for reevaluation.

  • List of P-barcodes with the expected measurement
  • Dispute number.
  • P-barcode
  • Photos or video supporting the measurements.

8. In case a P-barcode is disputed even after re-measurement is done recently, noon measurement will be the one that will be considered. To clarify this point more, if sellers provide measurement which vary from noon's verified measurement, Noon's measurement will govern. 

9. Noon reserves the right to make any amendment/ changes to this policy without any prior notice. Its the seller responsibility to check this policy for any updates or changes in the policy.


Rejection reason codes

Following are the various rejection reason codes and their meanings.

1. Invalid input : The dimensions submitted look improbable for the product type.

2. Measurement within tolerance range: The measurement are within the tolerance range.

3. Recently reevaluated: The measurement are accurate. A recent reevaluation of the SKU has been conducted. 

4. Fees within tolerance range: The change in the fees is as per stated policy and within the tolerance range.


That's It!

Got any question 

Drop us an email at seller@noon.com


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