Global Seller Warranty Policy

Global Seller Warranty Policy

Seller's Warranty Responsibility

As a seller participating in Noon’s Global Selling Program, you are fully responsible for the warranty of any product sold through our platform. This warranty covers all manufacturing defects from the date of purchase, following the specified warranty period for each product.

Compliance with Local Consumer Protection Laws

The warranty provided by the seller must comply with the local consumer protection laws in the country where the item is sold and delivered. All warranty claims will be handled per these laws. This policy will be governed by the laws of the customer’s local jurisdiction, and any disputes arising from this policy will be addressed under the applicable regulations of that jurisdiction.

Warranty Support in Customer's Country

Sellers must provide local warranty support in the customer's country. This can be achieved by:

  1. Maintaining a local warehouse in the customer’s country, or
  2. Partnering with a local service center in the customer’s country to handle warranty repairs.
  3. Use Noon-approved service centers to process warranty claims. In this case, sellers will be charged for any inspection and repair costs. If the approved centers cannot handle the repair, sellers must arrange for it independently. Failure to comply will result in a full refund to the customer, and the seller will be billed.

Seller Service Centers and Logistics Support

  • If the seller's warehouse or local service center is close to the customer or located in the same city, Noon will direct customers to that nearby location for warranty support.
  • In the absence of a seller-operated service center, Noon will facilitate logistics, including door-to-door collection and delivery. Noon will arrange for the product to be picked up from the customer and sent to the seller’s local warehouse or service center for warranty repairs.

Turnaround Time (TAT) for Warranty Repairs

All warranty repairs must be completed within an agreed turnaround time (TAT) of 14 working days from the date the item is received at the seller’s local service center or warehouse.

Post-Repair Requirements

After the product is repaired, or replaced, or if the repair request is rejected, the seller must provide Noon with a technical report detailing the actions taken. The repaired or replaced item will not be accepted by Noon without this report. In such cases, noon would refund the customer of the item value and charge the same to the seller.

No Local Warehouse or Warranty Service Provider

In cases where the seller does not have a local warehouse or an authorised warranty service provider in the customer’s country, Noon will issue a full refund to the customer. The cost of the refund will be billed to the seller.

After the refund has been processed:

  • If the seller has a local warehouse, the refunded item will be returned to the seller as a Return to Vendor (RTV). If the seller fails to receive the RTV due to unavailability or rejects the RTV delivery, Noon will give them 7 days from the last delivery attempt to reschedule. If the seller fails to reschedule within the given time, or if the delivery attempt fails after rescheduling, the item in the mentioned RTV will be sent for disposal. Once disposed of, the seller will no longer be able to request delivery again, and no compensation will be provided, including the item's value.
  • If the seller does not have a local warehouse, the item will be held at Noon’s warehouse for 30 days after the notification to the seller. If the seller fails to collect the item within this period, it will be moved to disposal. Once disposed of, the seller will no longer be able to request delivery again, and no compensation will be provided, including the item's value.

General Warranty Policy

All other terms and conditions related to the warranty policy will remain consistent with the guidelines provided on the Noon support portal under the Seller Warranty Policy.


For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact Noon at


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