New Inventory Ledger Reports (Summary and Detailed View)

New Inventory Ledger Reports (Summary and Detailed View)

The Inventory Ledger Report is a vital tool for efficiently managing your FBN inventory. It offers a detailed overview of stock movements and transactions within Noon fulfillment centers, allowing you to monitor your inventory effectively. The report comes in two distinct views—Summary and Detailed—giving sellers flexibility to access the information they need.

Key Highlights of the Inventory Ledger Report

  • The report tracks all stock movements, including inbounded stock, customer returns, disposals, and more.
  • Applicable only to items listed and sold on the Noon marketplace (excludes Noon subsidiaries like Sivvi, Noon Grocery, etc.).
  • Reports are available for download starting July 2022 through your specified end date.

How to download the Inventory Ledger Reports

You can download the Inventory Ledger Reports in either Summary or Detailed view by following one of these two methods:

Method 1: Using Custom Reports

  1. Navigate to Reports in the navigation bar and select Custom Reports.
  2. Click on the Generate Report button.
  3. From the drop-down, select the desired report type:
    • FBN Inventory Ledger Report - Detailed View
    • FBN Inventory Ledger Report - Summary View
  4. Choose the date range for which you want the report.
  5. Click on Generate Report.
  6. Once generated, click the Action button to either Download or View the report in Seller Lab.

Method 2: Using FBN Reports

Follow the steps outlined in the Accessing FBN Reports on Seller Lab guide to download the report from the FBN Reports section.

Tabulated explanation of the Detailed View.

The following table gives the description of each column you will find on the Inventory Ledger Report (Detailed View)




The country code indicates the country in which the stock transactions happened.


The date of the transaction. 


Type of transaction impacting the inventory. 


noon warehouse where the inventory transaction took place. 


Title of the product.


noon system-generated SKU - Stock Keeping Unit - which is linked to each product listed by a partner.


Barcode used in noon warehouse to track the inventory.


The barcode of the box where the item is placed in case of quality check failure.


The barcode created by the seller for the item.


The SKU generated by the partner. 


The document associated with a transaction impacting the inventory. 


Reason for noon’s quality check rejection of inbounded stocks through ASN.


The unique reference number for the customer ordered unit. 


The shipment reference number/s of stocks returned to the partner.


Numerical value that represents the number of units impacted in the transaction

Tabulated explanation of the Summary View

The following table give the description of each column you will notice on the Inventory Ledger Report (Summary View)




A unique identifier (numerical value) to differentiate one partner from another. 


The country code indicating the country in which the stock transaction happened.


noon warehouse where the inventory transaction happened. 


The barcode created by the seller for the item. 


The quantity of the stocks in a particular noon warehouse for a particular partner barcode at the report's start date.


Stock pending update. 


The inventory received from partner in noon warehouse through an advanced shipping note (ASN).


The inventory shipped to customers.


The inventory returned  from customer/s that passed noon’s quality check and is put back into FBN stocks.


The inventory returned from customer/s that failed noon’s quality check.


The inventory returned to partners from noon warehouses. 


The inventory liquidated due to defects.


The inventory disposed of upon the partner’s request/Expiry.


The stock quantity undergoing/resulting from the renaming/relabelling process at noon warehouses.


The inventory transferred to or from the warehouse.


Inventory lost or found in noon’s warehouses.


The inventory impacted by unknown or in searching transactions.


The total quantity of available stocks at noon warehouse on the report’s end date.


Question: What happens to lost inventory?

Answer: Lost inventory gets compensated through noon’s Automated Reimbursement Process for Lost & Damaged Items



That’s it!

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