New Statement Detail Report

New Statement Detail Report

The Statement Detail Report provides a concise overview of fees and payments in a statement. It offers a detailed breakdown of fees at both the item-level and shipment/AWB level.

Note: The Statement Detailed Report is only applicable to items available and sold
on the Noon marketplace. It does not include payment details for orders from
other noon subsidiaries, such as Sivvi, Noon Grocery, etc.

How to access the Statement Detail Report?

The Statement Detail Report is available in the Seller Lab and you can download it in 2 ways, as shown below:

1. Payments and Fees Tab:

To download the Statement Detail Report directly from the Payments and Fees Tab  in the Seller Lab follow these simple steps: 

- Click on Payments and Fees and then select Statements & Invoices.

- On the Weekly Statements tab, you will be able to view all the statements generated for different fees and transactions. Click on the Download button to download the specific Statement Detail Report.

2. Export:

Follow these steps to generate the report:

  1. Open the Navigation Menu, go to Payments & Fees, and select Export.

  2. Click on Generate Report.

  3. Under Report Name, choose Statement Detail Report.

  4. Select the Start Date and End Date, then click Create.

Understanding the Statement Detail Report

The Statement Detail Report includes various columns indicating different information about a sale. Each of these columns contributes to a better understanding of the details of fees and payments. Let's discuss the columns briefly.

Note: All amounts mentioned in this report for any fees are exclusive of VAT.

Column Name/ Field



A unique identifier (numerical number) that differentiates one seller from the other.


The date when the statement was generated


A unique statement reference number that separates one statement from another


The business platform (noon marketplace) under which the item was sold 


The unique identifier you can use to link a sale (common for all items involved in a single payment transaction) across reports


The unique item level identification number you can use to link a sale for any item across reports 


The shipment reference number you can use to link packages that were created against any particular order fulfillment


The unique identifier linked to the fee mentioned in column “fee_name”.


The SKU identification number of noon you sold the item against.


The unique SKU identification number you have uploaded in seller lab.


Different types of fees that are part of a generated statement.


The current status of the item. 


The date when the order was placed successfully.


The date when a shipment was prepared and made ready for dispatch.


The date when the item was delivered to the customer. 


The date when the item was returned From a customer to noon's warehouse.


The sale currency. You will receive a separate statement denominated in UAE dirham, Saudi Riyal or Egyptian Pound depending on the sale country 


The invoice price of the delivered item.


noon's commission on the sale.


Fulfillment fee for items shipped from FBN.


Any price adjustment done on the item price due to alternate fulfillment.


Reimbursement of marketing / promotional activity sponsored by noon.


The reimbursement of shipping fees to the seller which was charged to the customer.


Amount paid or deducted against any other fee type, not mentioned in this table.


Total eligible payout on any sale/ fee

Definition of the different fees

The table below provides an overview of all the fees that can be charged whenever a sale is made. It also explains on what level is the fee applicable for better understanding.

Fees name 

Applied at


Referral fee

Item Level

Commission charged based on the item category, brand & business model. The referral fee will vary based on country of operation.

FBN outbound fee

Item Level

Order fulfillment fee charged for items shipped from FBN (fulfillment by Noon) warehouses

Directship outbound fee

Per Shipment 

Logistics fee charged on items shipped from FBP (Fulfilled by Partner) warehouses

Monthly storage fee

SKU/ Pbarcode 

A monthly service fee applied to each item stored in noon warehouses. The fee calculation is based on product dimensions and the number of storage days.

Long-term storage fee

SKU/ Pbarcode

A service fee applied to each item stored for more than 365 days in noon warehouses. The aging is counted from the date when SKUs were inbounded in noon warehouse.

Weight Handling fee

Item Level

Additional fulfillment fee charged on an oversize (non-sort and non-bulky) item over and above FBN outbound fee. This fee is no longer charged post.

Inventory removal fee

Item level

Fee applied to each item removed from inventory stored in noon warehouses. Fees are charged based on volumetric/actual weight (whichever is higher). For more detail on how to calculate Inventory Removal fee please click here.

Damaged returns fee

Item level

Compensation Paid to seller against any damages on a returned item.

Shipping fee

Order level

Reimbursement of shipping fees collected from the customers on FBP delivered items

Noon Promo

Item Level

Fee adjustment against any promotional activity that was run by noon

VAT Payable

Fee level

Tax payable on each service fee charged by noon

Noon Markup

Item level

Any price difference applied on an item fulfilled by an alternate partner other than the original seller on whom the order was placed

Noon Penalty

Item Level

Compensation paid to the sellers on breach of sales promise

Cancellation fees (CNCL)

Item level

An item level penalty charged on the seller initiated order cancellation such as out-of-stock.

Warranty (WNTY)

Item level

An item level penalty charged against unfulfilled warranty claim of a customer

Alternate Seller Fulfillment Fee (ALTF)

Item level

An item level penalty applied on the original seller who missed to fulfill an order and the order was fulfilled by another seller. 

Retention Penalty Fee (RETP)

Item level

An item level penalty charged to recover any compensation we had paid to the customer against their grievances where the seller is at fault

Miscellaneous fees (MISC)

Store level

Any other kind of penalty levied on a seller

Non-Saleable Item Storage Fee


Storage fee charged on non-saleable inventory kept at noon premises for more than 30 days. The fee is calculated based on product dimensions and the number of storage days beyond initial 30 days. (Effective from 1st August 2023)

VAT payable

Fee level

Amount of VAT to be paid against different fees changed in the statement

Advertising Fee

Seller Level

Advertisement expense agreed to be spent on the advertisement of products of the seller on our platform as per terms and conditions of the agreement


That’s it!  

Got questions?

Contact us at

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