Once you opt-in to display your store information on the noon website, you can choose to show our customers on your products' display pages one or more pieces of information from the following list:
While browsing your products, our customers can easily access your store information from your product display page by simply clicking your store name. Then they will see your information as displayed below:
Easy! Follow the steps listed below to immediately help our customers know you better.
- In Seller Lab click on the three lines on the top left hand corner of the screen, then click Account Health and Performance and click Reputation Management
- Click Seller Info, and add your information
- Click the check-box of each piece of information that you add in order to confirm
You can upload your logo and banner using these simple steps.
The Reputation Management page on Seller Lab offers a wealth of information related to your performance, and how customers rate your products and your service. We strongly recommend that you check it often to assess your strengths and reinforce them, as well as to identify problem areas in order to improve them. Follow the steps listed below to access your Reputation Management page:
- In Account health and performance, click Reputation management
That's it!
Got more questions?
Contact us at seller@noon.com