Inventory Health Dashboard

Inventory Health Dashboard

The Inventory Health Dashboard is a new approach to help you solve inventory-related issues with certain recommendation about the pricing and stock update for the SKUs you are selling on noon based on the selling model be it Fulfilled by Noon (FBN) or Fulfilled by Partner (FBP). These recommendations are updated on a daily basis to give you real-time suggestions.
1.SKUs will not be visible in this dashboard once the recommended action is taken
from your side. However the same SKU can be re-appearing in the dashboard once the
recommendations are updated from noon.
2.Initially we will show only some SKUs in the dashboard for which we have suitable
recommendations. The SKU selection will be improved as the functionality of the tool
is expanded.

You can access the Inventory Health dashboard easily by following these simple steps.

- Click on Account Health and Performance tab in the Navigation toolbar. The click on Inventory Health tab to access this dashboard

Under the Inventory Health Dashboard we have 3 views, which gives recommendation for the pricing improvement and stock update. There 3 views are as follows:

1. Pricing Improvement 

2. FBP Replenishment 

3. FBN Replenishment

Let's move to discuss more about each of these views in detail. 

I. Pricing Improvement. 

You will see SKUs under this view with two distinct tags each representing the reason for the SKU's presence in the list. These tags are as follows:
  • Missing the Buy-Box (BB): SKUs with this tag exist in the list as these SKUs were winning the buy box less than 60% of the time in the previous day.

  • Not Priced Competitively (Comp): The SKUs with this tag are those which are not priced competitively when compared to the external competition. 

  • View-Specific Filters: You will also find some filters which are specific to each of these three views. In the Pricing Improvement view you will notice the filter on the basis of the tags of the SKU and the Express filter to check whether the stock is a FBN stock or not.

This view will show the following information for each SKU in the list.

Header title Explanation
SKU DetailsThe details of the SKU such as the name of the product, image and the brand.
SKUThis column gives the NSKU or ZSKU details.
Current Price

Current Price of the offer shown on the Noon website. If its on sale/deal, then that price will be reflected.

Sales L 30Total units of the SKUs sold in the past 30 days.
ASP L 30The average selling price of the SKU in the past 30 days.
BB win percentage

This column shows the percentage of time the SKU won the buy box in the previous day and if the percentage is less than 60% that SKU will have the BB tag on it.

Lowest BB price YSTThe lowest price that won the buy-box for the previous day.
Lowest comp price YSTThe lowest price of the SKU in the external market for previous day.

How to update the pricing?

You can use the Update Price column to update the price of the SKU. You can do this by either of the two methods:
1. Set Price Manually : You can use the Set Price option in the drop-down to update the price manually. When you put you cursor in the price box you will see a recommended price for the SKU. Just update the price and click on Update Pricing button to save the changes.

2. Pricing Engine: The second method you will find to update the price is Pricing Engine. Select Pricing Engine option in the drop-down which request a Min-Max range for the SKU. You will also see a Recommended price range as well. Make sure your pricing engine min-max is within this range and then click on Update Pricing button to save the changes.

Note: You should always accept the Terms & Conditions of the Pricing Engine 
from the Seller Lab. Click here to know how the price engine works.

Once the prices are updated, just refresh the page and the SKU on which the action was take will be removed from the list.


II. FBP Replenishment

This view is exclusive for the SKUs you are selling under the FBP selling model. We identify the SKUs that need replenishment and we classify them based on their urgency. The level of urgency are as follows:

  • Out of Stock: These SKUs are offline on the platform due to lack of stock.
  • Risk of Out of Stock: These SKUs are fast-selling and can be Out of Stock soon. Thus, a replenishment for the stock is recommended.
  • Normal Replenishment: The SKUs under this urgency level can be replenished at a regular pace to avoid the risk of SKU going out of stock in the future.

You can use the View-Specific filter, which is based on these level of urgencies, to filter out the SKU that need immediate attention and replenishment.

How to update the stock under FBP Replenishment?

You can easily update the stock for these FBP SKUs by following these simple steps:

- You will find a recommended quantity for each SKU, suggested by noon to be replenished, which is based on the historical sales of the item. You may choose to update the recommended quantity or even increase it, depending on your feasibility.

- You may select the Selected Only option to view all the SKUs you selected to update the stock. Now select the Warehouse from the drop-down which will activate the Update Stock button.

- Click on Update Stock to update the stock successfully.

 III. FBN Replenishment

Under this view you will see a list of SKUs in the noon warehouse for which the stock is to be updated by creating an ASN transfer.
Note: SKUs that do not have the barcode or the volumetric measurement is missing
and bulky item are excluded from this list.

We identify the SKU which need replenishment and we classify them on the basis of the urgency. The level of urgency are as follows:

  • Out of Stock: These SKUs are offline on the platform due to lack of stock.
  • Risk of Out of Stock: These SKUs are fast-selling and can be Out of Stock soon. Thus, a replenishment for the stock is recommended.
  • Normal Replenishment: The SKU under this urgency level can be replenished at a regular pace to avoid the risk of SKU going out of stock in the future.

You can use the View-Specific filter, which is based on these level of urgencies, to filter out the SKU that need immediate attention and replenishment.

How to update the stock under FBN replenishment?

You can easily update the stock for these FBN SKUs by following these simple steps:
- You will find a recommended quantity for each SKU, suggested by noon to be replenished, which is based on the historical sales of the item. You may choose to update the recommended quantity or even increase it, depending on your feasibility.

- You may click on the Selected Only option to see all the SKUs you chose to be transferred using ASN. Click on the Create ASN button.

- This will lead to creating a new ASN and a pop-up appear confirming the creation of ASN.

- Click on View ASN button to proceed further to seal the ASN.

 - In case the ASN transfer you create requires more space than what is available in your storage capacity, you can request extra storage by clicking on Confirm.

Note: To understand how to manage your ASN in detail please click here.

- If you have created an ASN but not sealed or schedule it. The SKUs in that ASN will be tagged as Not Scheduled.

You will find a notification showing the non-scheduled ASN. Just click on Schedule now hyperlink to seal and schedule the pending ASN to be transferred to the respective noon warehouse.

General Filters and Sorting

Apart from the view- specific filters, you will also find general filter and sorting option on the dashboard which apply to all views. You can sort the data on this dashboard according to the criteria you prefer.

To filter the SKUs in the dashboard you just follow these simple steps.

- Click on Filter button on the right side of the screen

- This will open a pop-up with multiple filters, such as Family, Brand, Visibility. You can select the filters you wish to apply, then click on Apply. This will filter the SKUs in all the three views based on your selection.

You also have the option to sort the SKUs as per your preference. This can be done by following these simple steps.

- Click on the Sort button next to the Filter option. 

- Select the sorting criteria from the drop-down. This will arrange the data as per your selected preference.


That’s it!


Got more questions? 

Contact us at



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