Selling on noon can open up new avenues for your business and connect you with a wide range of potential customers. Seller registration is a simple three-step process. To ensure a smooth start, we've outlined the steps you need to follow to kickstart your selling journey.
In this article we will understand the following 3-step process of seller registration with noon
Create an Organization ID
Setting you noon store
Create your Legal Entity.
Step 1: Creating An Organization ID
To begin the process, simply click on the ‘Sign up now’ button located on this page. Following this, you will be seamlessly directed to the Organization ID creation page. Follow the steps listed below:
1. Email Verification via OTP: Confirm your email ID by entering the One-Time Password (OTP) sent to your email address.
2. Phone Number Verification via OTP: Verify your phone number using the OTP sent to your mobile device.
3. Project Name Assignment: Choose a unique ‘Project Name’ of your preference. This name is exclusively used for identification purposes and will not be visible to customers on the noon website.
You will get your unique Organization ID and then you can proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Setting Up Your Noon Store
At this stage, we collect vital details about the store that you intend to utilize for selling products on noon. Within a single Organization ID, you have the capacity to establish up to three noon stores, each corresponding to a distinct country: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.
You can create your noon store by following these simple steps.
- After successfully generating an Organization ID, you will be automatically directed to the store creation page. Click on the ‘Create a Store’ button, as illustrated below. This action will initiate the setup for your store on the noon platform.
- If you find that you haven't been redirected automatically to the above page, you will be redirected to the Welcome page where you can manually navigate to the store creation page by choosing the 'Sell on' option from the list of Available Services. This will redirect you to the store creation page.
- To establish a noon store, you'll need to provide fundamental store details:
- Country you wish to sell in (United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia or Egypt)
- Display Name (in both English and Arabic) which will be visible to customers on the noon website
- Email ID (both business and finance email ID, however, you may opt to use the same email ID)
- Phone number (of the country you wish to sell)
- Category of your products (optional field)
Your noon store will be created successfully and you can move on to the next step.
Code of conduct for Store Name on noon sites:
1. Store/ Display name should not be any brand /registered /approved names
used by any firm or organization or entity. For example: noon, Adidas, EMAAR.
2. Display name(store name) should not be a website/email address.
3. Display name (store name) must have a decent meaning and should not affect
Sharia, other religions, nor harm public interests or sentiments.
Step 3: Creating Your Legal Entity
It's essential to submit documents for the verification of your legally registered entity. Please refer to the provided list of required documents. You have the flexibility to create multiple Legal Entities utilizing your Organization ID, provided distinct Trade Licenses are available for each Legal Entity. This equates to one Legal Entity per Trade License.
You can create your Legal Entity by following these simple steps.
- After successfully creating your noon store, you will be redirected to the Partner Platform page, as shown in the screenshot below, where you should select 'Create a Legal Entity’.
- You will be redirected to the next page where you need to confirm the country you are registered in, then click Next Step.
- In the next page, you will be requested to provide fundamental information about your registered entity. The details requested include:
- Name of the registration authority (in case the authority name is not available in the dropdown list, you will have to select the option ‘Others’ and send a copy of your Trade License at (refer image below).
- Other details:
- License number
- Company name
- Company address
- License issue and Expiry date.
- List of permitted activities as per your trade license (optional field). - You will need to upload a copy of your Trade License, then click on ‘Create Legal Entity’.
- You will then be directed to the Legal Entity details page, with a ‘Draft’ status against your Legal Entity, as shown below.
- To be able to submit the legal entity for approval, simply fill up the following details:
Fill the ‘Tax Details’ section by clicking ‘Add Tax Details’, then add:
- Select the country you will be selling in.
- Select your taxation status i.e. VAT Registered or Non-VAT Registered
- If you are VAT registered, select VAT registered option and click ‘Next Step’. Fill your registration details as prompted and upload a copy of your VAT Registration Certificate. Once done click ‘Add Tax Details’ to confirm.
- If you are not VAT registered, simply select the ‘Non-VAT Registered’ option and click on the ‘Add Tax Details’ button to confirm.
As an Egyptian seller, you will also be required to provide information
on your Tax Card and upload a copy of the same, regardless of the VAT
Registration status.
Authorized Signatory Details: You will need to provide details of the Authorized Signatories of your Legal Entity.
- Click on the ‘Add Authorized Signatory’ button as shown below. A pop-up appear on the screen. You are requested to fill in the details in this pop-up and click on "Create Authorized Signatory".
Note: Provide the details as prompted and upload a proof to verify your
identity. Check accepted proof types here.
You need to check whether the name of the Authorized Signatory matches with the name of the Owner / Manager as per the Trade License. There can be the following 2 types of scenarios:
Scenario 1:
- Name of the Authorized Signatory matches with the name on the Trade License: Select the option ‘Yes’ in the field as shown in the image below.
- Click on the ‘Create Authorized Signatory’ button to confirm the details.
Scenario 2:
- Name of the Authorized Signatory does not match with the name on the Trade License: Select the option ‘No’ in the field as shown in the image below.
- Upload a Power of Attorney on your company letterhead, signed by one of the authorized signatories, and click on the ‘Create Authorized Signatory’ button to confirm the details.
Once all sections are filled and required documents are uploaded, click on the ‘Submit for Approval’ button as shown below.
Status of your Legal Entity will change to ‘Submitted for Approval’.
Once you submitted the details it will be reviewed by our specialized team which will have either of the given two results.
Outcome 1: Legal Entity is ‘Approved’
- You will be notified via email once your Legal Entity is ‘Approved’.
- Next you need to ‘Link’ your Legal Entity to your store. You can do so by clicking on the ‘Link Legal Entity to your store’ option on the Partner Platform, as shown in the image below.
- You will need to select your Legal Entity from the dropdown and then click on the ‘Link Legal Entity’ button. Upon successfully linking the Legal Entity, you will need to review and accept the Terms & Conditions (T&Cs) for selling on noon. You can do so by following the below steps:
- Select the option ‘Click here to send the agreement on behalf of <Legal Entity Name>
- Select the Authorized Signatory Name from the dropdown and click on the ‘Send T&C for Review’ button as shown in the image below.
- As a last step, you will need to accept the T&Cs which you received on your registered email ID.
You will be successfully onboarded and can now start listing your products.
- You will be notified via email if your Legal Entity is ‘Rejected’, along with the rejection reason.
- To rectify errors in the Legal Entity, you need to select the option ‘Your approval request for Legal Entity <Number> has been rejected’ on the Partner Platform page, as shown in the image below. This page can be accessed from the rejection email or directly through your noon account.
- You will be directed to the Legal Entity page, where you can view the rejection reasons. Your Legal Entity will be in the ‘Draft Pending Resubmission’ stage.
- You can make the required changes in any of the sections by clicking on the ‘Details’ button.
- You can also create a fresh Legal Entity by clicking on the ‘Overview’ button available on the left side of the page and then by choosing the option ‘Add Legal Entity’, as shown in the images below.
- Once errors have been rectified, you will need to resubmit the application by clicking the ‘Submit for Approval’ button.
That’s it!
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