To list products in bulk, add images and descriptions to the New Item Set-up Sheet (NIS) available on your Seller Lab account. After completing the NIS, upload it to Seller Lab, where it will be reviewed and published on Noon within three business days.
Methods for Creating New Products
Single SKU creation: allows you to list one product at a time.
Multiple SKU creation: allows you to upload and list multiple products in one go.
Learn more about Single SKU creation, here.
Downloading the templates
1. Access Template: Go
to Catalog > Partner Catalog > Create Multiple Products.
2. Select Product Type:
In the pop-up, manually browse or use the Noon product URL to select the
appropriate category, product type, and subtype.
Download Template: Once
the category is selected, locate the brand using the search bar. Download the
bulk content upload template in either
English or
English + Arabic.
For detailed language requirements, see the
language guidelines.
Filling Out the NIS Sheet
Colors & Their Meanings:
Mandatory fields required for the product to go live.
Important fields for product identification and discovery.
Optional fields to improve product information.
Fields not required for the selected category.
Fields to Complete:
SKU Unique: Unique identifier used across all reporting and
Select from existing brands, or submit a new brand request if
For more information click
Title: The name that customers will search for.
Global Trade Identification Number for inventory tracking; also used as
the partner barcode.
For more information click

When listing products using the NIS sheet, sellers can upload up to 10,000 partner SKUs at a time. If the number exceeds 10,000, please create an additional NIS sheet.
Instruction Tab:

English Template:

English+ Arabic Template:
The English+ Arabic template requires you to fill in the content in both English and Arabic languages. You will find several fields marked with the letters "EN" and "AR." Filling out content in both languages increases product visibility.
Adding Images to the NIS Sheet
You can bulk-upload images using either of the following

Note: Make sure that each image is in JPEG format for the sheet to be
successfully uploaded.

For more information on image requirements, please click here.
Saving & Uploading the NIS Sheet
- Save
the File:
- Save
the completed sheet as CSV, TSV, or XLS.
- Upload
to Seller Lab:
- Go
to Catalog > Imports and upload the saved file.
- Confirm:
- Confirm
the upload. The file will be visible under Catalog > Imports >
NIS and Bulk Imports.
Creating product variants in bulk
To create variants, you will need to first define parent <> child relationship between your products in the NIS sheet.
A parent SKU is created first and then you can create multiple children SKUs. All children are grouped together by the parent which is defined as the parent group key.
To elaborate on this, let’s see how we can implement this on the NIS sheet.
The above section of the NIS sheet will help you create variants for your products. It also shows the type of text you need to fill in the given cell for the attribute in the top row.
Here you need to first define a Parent Group Key and a Parent SKU. In the example below we have defined this:
Once you have a Parent Group Key and Parent SKU defined, you can use the same Parent Group Key to group multiple children SKU and define them as Child.
And then you need define the variation that each child would signify, this is defined below:
Please note the Parent SKU will be an independent variable and does not need a size variation defined.
All the content will be pulled from the Parent SKU for the children except the Size Variation.
And then you will select the Noon size from the dropdown in the next column. This will help to make your product more discoverable by the customer in case they set up a filter on the search preference. The noon size can be selected as a best approximation to the international sizing standards which best suits the size variation mentioned in the sheet.
Your final import file should look something like this:
Family, Product Type, Product Subtype, Sizing Standards, Brand, Image URL's + all the other columns --> ONLY on the Parent row (1st row in the example)
Partner SKU Unique, Size Variation --> ONLY on the Child Row(s)
Parent Group Key, Parent Child Variation --> On the Parent and Child rows.
Variant Axis
Currently we only allow variants to be created on ‘Size’ axis.
For variants to be created on Color or other Axis, find more information about Groupings, click here
| To define the variants you will need to fill in the Size Variation and Sizing Standard section within the NIS sheet. In this example we have defined the size for the product and its sizing standard |
Handling Import Errors
Once an import is successfully ingested, SKUs that have valid content and no errors will be created in the catalog page. However, if there are errors in the file or we weren't able to create a SKU for any reason, an error file will be generated.
Process to check the error:
1- Check Status:
2- Resolve Errors:
You will be able to see the report for each individual upload. The status columns gives you and overview of your report.
- Import processes - file was processed by the system.
- Report generated - error report has been generated and is available for you to download.
- Mapping Done/Error/Pending - how many of your products have a unique Seller SKU assigned, how many are still pending and how many have an error that prevents them form getting a Seller SKU.
That's it!
Got any more questions?
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